

The Tree Farm Committee is working diligently to keep the program growing and strong throughout the state. If you would like to join the Tree Farm committee, please reach out by clicking here.

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  • Tree Farm Committee

Educational Opportunities:

More will be added soon!

More resources to assist in your tree farm and stewardship education:

American tree farm program video

This great video gives an in-depth look at the Tree Farm Program through wonderful photos and interviews with Tree Farmers across America. We Grow Stewardship from the Roots (7:18 long)

Got woods? Visit, AFF’s resource for woodland owners, by woodland owners, designed to help you protect and enjoy your woods.

Forests in the Farm Bill Progress Report: 2017 Update

Leopold Land Ethic Training: This conservation organization works to inspire an ethical relationship between people and nature through Leopold’s legacy. Join them as they work to weave a land ethic into society and encourage its unfolding in myriad ways

Books and Downloadable Files

Appalachian Mountain Club, Complete Guide to Trail Building and Maintenance, 4th Edition

Beattie, Thompson, and Levine: Working with your Woodland, latest edition, University Press of New England. A forest landowner’s guide.

Degraaf, Yamasaki, Leak, and Lester, Landowner’s Guide to Wildlife Habitat – Forest Management for the New England Region, University Press of New England, 2005

Dobbs and Ober: The Northern Forest, Chelsea Green Publishing Co. Commentary on our Northern Forest, and understanding the working forest concept.

Foster and Aber: Forests in Time, Yale University Press. Environmental consequences of 1000 years of change in New England.

Heinrich: Trees in My Forest, Harper Collins. The hidden life of a forest.

Johnson: Good Woodcutters Guide, Chelsea Green Publishing Co. Chainsaws, portable mills, and woodlots.

Leopold, Aldo, A Sand County Almanac, Oxford University Press. Latest printing

Long, Steve. More Than A Woodlot: Getting the Most from your Family Forest. Northern Woodlands, 2012.

Long, Stephen, Thirty-Eight- The Hurricane That Transformed New England, Yale University Press, 2016

McLeod, Brett, The Woodland Homestead- How to Make Your Land More Productive, Storey Publishing, 2015

McEvoy, Thom J. Planning Family Forests, Forestry Press. 2013

McEvoy: Positive Impact Forestry, Island Press. A sustainable approach to managing woodlands.

McEvoy, Thom J. Owning and Managing Forests, A guide to legal, financial, and practical matters: Island Press, 2005.

McEvoy, Thom J. Introduction to Forest Ecology and Silviculture, Second Edition: Natural Resource, Agriculture, and Engineering Service (NRAES) Cooperative Extension, 2000.

McKibben, Bill. Wandering Home: Crown Journeys, 2005.

McKibben, Bill. The End of Nature: Penguin Group, 1990.

Northern Woodlands. The Place You Call Home: A Guide to Caring for Your Land in New York. This “owner’s manuals” is for landowners in the greater Northern Forest region of New England and New York. Each manual is available as a PDF, or you can order it on the Northern Woodlands online store

Northern Woodlands. The Outside Story.

Schama: Landscape and Memory, Knopf. A historic look at the ways people have found myth and meaning in woods, rivers, mountains.

Sheldon, A.G., Life of Asa G. Sheldon: Wilmington Farmer. E.T. Moody, Woburn, MA: 1862.

Simpson, J., Restoring the Acadian Forest: A Guide to Forest Stewardship for Woodlot Owners in Eastern Canada 2E. Nimbus Publishing Ltd: 2015.

Thompson, E.H., Sorenson, E.R., and Zaino, R.J. Wetland, Woodland, Wildland: A Guide to the Natural Communities of Vermont, 2E. Chelsea Green Publishing: 2019

Thorson: Stone by Stone, Walker and Company. Geologic history of New England, and stonewalls.

Wessels, Tom, Forest Forensics – A field Guide, Countryman Press, 2010

Wessels, Tom, Reading the Forested Landscape, Norton and Company, 1999

Wojtech, Michael, Bark – A Field Guide to Trees of the Northeast, University Press of New England, 2011

USDA-NRCS, Low Volume Roads Engineering

USDA- Forest Service, Trail Construction and maintenance Handbook, latest edition.


Northern Logger and Timber Processor : $18/year, Monthly magazine. (315) 369-3078 or; good advice & information on marketing, trends, logging, equipment, politics, laws, regulations, etc; excellent editorials.

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